Wall signs
Last edited: 03/07/2024
When we encounter a bare section of wall, not covered in fixtures due to either emergency exits or other doorways/space constraints, we want to cover it with a wall banner.
The wall banner is marked as a yellow line in the store layout – and the text “Marketing Material”.
We have pre-defined 7 pictures that you can use. See further down.
“Scandinavian Sleeping & Living” example.

“Try a gold mattress” example.

The wall banner can be implemented in widths from 1500mm to 3000mm. Heights always aligned w. fixtures.
A speech-balloon is to be centered containing either our payoff “Scandinavian Sleeping & Living” or our “Try a gold mattress” message – depending of the shop-in-shop.
For our payoff we have 3 languages – German, Russian and English. For our “Try a gold mattress” please choose your local language.
The speech balloon may be a loose physical element applied once the main poster is mounted. Centered on both axis.
Leave 100mm at the bottom as space for baseboards etc., poster aligned w. top of fixtures.
Wall signs photos

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