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General rules

Last edited: 24/05/2018

When ordering online materials, please remember to stick to the rules below. Those apply to web fronts, newsletters and online banners.

Order naming 

The name should consists of prefix (OW/OB/ON + country + ID, CP number, Campaign name, and Special Activity name (if needed).


OW1001 20180504 Outdoor Garden Furniture days SA

OW - prefix (choose OW for web fronts, OB for online banners or ON for online newsletters)
1001 - country id
20180504 - Campaign Paper number
Outdoor - Campaign theme 
Garden Furniture days - Special Activity name (optional); please remember to add SA suffix

Please avoid using special signs/diacritics (%,&,ó,ž) in order names. This may cause IDG files not possible to generate.

Call to Action buttons

The below table states when it is allowed or not to use CTA buttons:

CTA buttons Yes No
Newsletter top banner: 580x450px x  
Newsletter other formats - When it makes sense (x)  
Webfronts   x
Display banners   x
Facebook 1200X628px   x
Instagram   x



JYSK is an international chain of stores with Scandinavian roots that sells everything for the home.

The first store opened in Denmark in 1979. 

 Read more

JYSK Blue Line

JYSK BLUE LINE is created in order to secure JYSK as a strong and international brand.

When following these brand guidelines, it differentiates us from competitors, increases customers’ recognition and reinforces our identity.


Sødalsparken 18, DK-8220 Brabrand, Denmark
Tlf.: +45 89 39 75 00
Fax: +45 89 39 75 01

For enquiries please contact Marketing department