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Store Front Manual

Last edited: 05/03/2025

Store Front Manual 


The JYSK store front is our first point of contact with our customers and also a brand awareness element. The purpose of the Store Front Manual is to describe the general guidelines and intentions applied to JYSK store fronts across JYSK. It does not and will never consider every situation. It is however meant to prepare staff and suppliers working with store fronts to deal with different situations and act as a guideline.


For every store opening, it is vital that we create the best possible store front for the location, according to the guidelines described in this manual. 

Whenever we have a store design activity, we should always update the store front to our current visual identity – Especially when any of the below mentioned situations exists:

•    Broken/faded elements
•    Outdated elements (e.g. Goose and old payoff should be removed)
•    Replace neon tubes with LED

Complementary to the store front manual, the JYSK Corporate Identity describes the usage of the logo, payoff and fonts in JYSK.

Store front suppliers must have read the JYSK Corporate Identity and use it when making design proposals for store fronts.



Responsibilities and process

The Store Concept Manager has the responsibility for updating the store fronts for all store activities.

The Store Concept Manager is the contact person for the store front suppliers.

The Country / Development Manager is responsible for getting store front approval from the local authorities/landlords.

Retail Development have the superior responsibility for store fronts in JYSK and therefore all store fronts must be approved by Retail Development prior to production.

Store Concept Manager is responsible for sending store front proposal in accordance with the N-plan.


1.1 The store front options/solutions

Depending on store size, shape and the surroundings we have the following 5 main versions of store fronts.

1st priority:                 Store front with portal
general guideline :    Store front with logo sign (original dimensions)
                                     Store front with horizontal logo sign
                                     Store front with square logo sign
                                     Store front band (Mainly used in shopping malls)

All detailed information for each version is to be found on the following pages.



1.2 Store front with portal

Store front with portal is our primary store front solution.

The portal construction is a combination of the following elements:

1.    Logo constructed as described on 2.1 JYSK logo • Logo building colours, size and scale.
2.    Blue plate formed as a portal (e.g. dibond, aluminium or similar material in the corporate colour)

Construction colours are always blue with white elements.

The portal construction is built up in aluminum “pipes”(example 40x40x3mm) and smooth sheet metal cassettes on top. The thickness is 2.0 mm with concealed mounting. The color of the portal is RAL 5002 (NCS S 4055-R70B). 

The portal “legs” should always be narrower than the “top part”.

The logo should as a rule align with the width of the entrance.

If the entrance is too wide the height of the top part defines the logo size and the positioning should follow the principles from page 13. Centering it on the blue surface.



Examples – Store front with portal

When building a portal please keep in mind to ensure the portal size fits with the building behind it. The portal legs should never be wider than height of the top part containing the logo. Even when this is kept as a rule the appearance needs to take into account that the top part does not simply end up looking like a ribbon (first example below). Note that the width of the JYSK logo on the portal usually should be aligned with the entry and usually not exceed the width of the glazed area below.

The third example in the left column is within the usual parameters - but here the logo is starting to disappear if the rule of keeping the width of the glazed area is kept.  To be avoided but we will evaluate a real life situation if it ever occours.

The portal legs should be narrower than the top part is high. Preferably  a width of half the height.
The height of the top should not be more than 2 times the width of the portal legs. 



1.3 Store front with logo sign

When working with a standard logo on the store front we always work the following criterias:

1. Logo constructed as described in 2.4 Logo versions.
2. Centered above the entrance
3. Size to be harmonized to the building (neighbors etc.)



1.4 Store front with horizontal logo sign

When the logo area is fixed in a wider dimension than the JYSK logo or an rectangular shape - we add blue to fill out the given surface.



1.5 Store front with square logo sign

When working with a standard logo on the store front we always work the following criterias:

1. Logo constructed as described in 2.3 Store front sign proportions 
2. Centered above the entrance
3. Size to be harmonized to the building (neighbors etc.)


1.6 Store front band

The store front band is mainly used on stores placed in shopping malls and only if the surrounding stores has the same type of store front signage. The logo should be illuminated as cut out elements.

A store front band should in general start and end with a JYSK logo. 

The color of the store front band must be RAL 5002. 

On stores in shopping malls we prefer to have a logo sign perpendicular to the store front to increase visibility. When the logo area is fixed in a wider dimension than the JYSK logo, add blue to fill out the given area.


2.1 JYSK logo • Logo building colours, size and scale

The logo is the most important design element both above the entrance and on primary building sides.

The goose is a fixed part of the logo and should always be shown in combination with the JYSK letters and in the exact size and scale as shown on the right.

The JYSK logo must by no means appear in other colours or using other fonts.

Logo colours are defined according to the following international standards:



JYSK grey can ONLY be used for the stand alone pylon, direction/ navigation signage(see 5.1 Aditional elements) and payoff signage( see 8.2 Use of payoff on store front)

Logo dimensions
When the logo is used “outside the box” the  dimensions of the “white part” should always keep to the preassigned scale shown below. This is to ensure no part of the logo is out of shape, distorted or cut off.



2.2 Building and portal colours



2.3 Store front sign proportions

1. Prio.:
Whenever possible we always create the store front sign in the exact format as the logo reflects.


When the format of the store front sign not equals the exact logo dimension we place the logo as shown in the example below.


The respect distance from the “K” to the edge, must be the same as in the JYSK  logo.

2.4 Logo versions

The logo is available in different constructions/versions. Choose the appropriate signage solutions that fits the surroundings.

The cut-out version


 A powerful and elegant sign solution. Only used on store fronts 

The light box version


A cost-efficient solution. The light box is used on primary and secondary building sides and for the store front band.

Third solution:  
could also be an aluminum sign/dibond with foil letters and illuminated with external spotlight.  
Only to be used on secondary sides

Cut-out elements

xx xx

Cut-out elements without lighting placed directly on walls, always in contrast to the background. 
Only to be used in special cases.  

2.5 Minimum demands for materials used for Store Fronts

To create and maintain JYSK as a strong, international brand our store front perception is crucial.

Therefor we want to secure our store front level are at an acceptable level for at least 5 years.

Please follow our minimum demands pointed out below. 


3.1 General store front elements and composition – Overview of elements

The JYSK store front elements are divided into two groups – Mandatory elements which needs to be on all JYSK store fronts and additional elements which should be added whenever possible.

Mandatory elements
•    Logo
•    A0 frame (when allowed) 
•    Outdoor banners (when allowed)

Additional elements
•    Mood photos
•    Payoff


3.2 General store front elements and composition  – Mandatory elements

Any JYSK store front always needs to carry the following elements: 

•    Logo
•    A0 frame (when allowed) 
•    Outdoor banners (when allowed)

Definition of elements

-    A0 frame  are placed on building walls or windows and inserts are changed according to the activity calendar. 

-    Outdoor banners are used on as many stores as possible to emphasize campaign offers/themes.


3.3 General store front elements and composition – Additional elements

In addition to the mandatory elemets the store front also includes these additional elements when possible and whenever needed:

•    Mood photos
•    Payoff

Definition of elements

Mood photos
When fixtures are placed up against windows these are covered  with mood photos. Only photos specifically dedicated for stores  can be used for this purpose. These will be updated with set  intervals of approximately 2 years.

Available and approved photos can be found at 

If mood photos are needed on the store front first priority is  always to show the sleeping competence on the store front and  secondary to show the living competence.


3.4 The use of our Payoff

The Payoff “Scandinavian Sleeping & Living” is an additional elements for the store front and is to be used when size and format allows.

The payoff – Scandinavian Sleeping & Living – must always be  written in English and in the font Myriad Pro semi bold.

The payoff can be used on the following elements:

•    A0 frame  (when not running campaigns)
•    Mood photos


4.1 Building sides

The outside store is divided into 3 different building sides:

•    Store front
    The store front is where the entrance is located.

•    Primary building side
    Primary building sides are very visible for customers.

•    Secondary building side
 Secondary building sides are not visible for customers.


On primary building sides we only use a JYSK logo.

The height of the logo must be no more than 1/3 of the height 
of the building – in some cases the logo should be smaller to harmonize with the building dimensions/surroundings.

The logo should be placed either:
•     in the left side only
•     in the right side only
•     in both sides – depending on what makes sense.

The distance from the logo to the corner of the building is specified on the illustration below.


When the logo area is fixed in a wider dimension than the JYSK logo - add blue to fill out the given surface.


Logo construction on primary building sides:

We use the standard light box with LED on all primary building sides. 


4.2 Outdoor bannersxx

Outdoor banners must be placed on all store fronts were it’s possible and are considered as a part of the total store front layout.

They are a fantastic element to communicate  campaign/product information to the customers.

Size and scale of banners

All banners should be a square format in the below sizes:

If necessary outdoor banners are also available in dimensions 1:2 and 2:1.

Fixed size from landlord 

When we are given a specific size from the landlord that will be accepted.

The banner system must be of a type where the store staff can change the banners themselves.

Outdoor banners must be illuminated and are the only store front element where external lighting is allowed.

Min. distance from the ground = 1,0 meter.

They must not cover any other signage elements. 


4.3 Wall and window elements


To have a commercial approach and attract attention towards our stores, we use A0 frames. The frames comes in 2 solutions:
Click frame to be mounted in wall – size 1255 x 907 mm  
A0 LED to be placed in windows - size 1229 x 881 mm

The total number of A0 frames per store is preferrable 4 - maximum 6 when needed.
Uneven number of frames can be used, when it makes sense for the specific location.

2 A0 frames are always dedicated to campaign and must be closest to the entrance/ where there is the most customer flow.
Yellow frames = campaign

The rest of the frames is standard content
Blue frames = standard content (not activated during campaign)

A0 Frames on the facade are to be spaced evenly between portal / entrance & edge of the building.
A0 frames must be placed 1050mm above ground to leave room for outdoor trolleys.



The LED A0 are to be hung inside the windows.
Align w. window panes when ever possible.

In the planning of the A0 frame placements in Window – ensure the customers also have a view into the store. 

•    Meaning 1 “open window”  and free of A0 frames.

For a glass façade use no more than 2 frames per 6 meters of window.

A0 frames must be placed 1050mm above ground (outside) to leave room for outdoor trolleys. 


All glass facade(shopping mall) 
The LED A0 are to be hung inside the windows.
Align w. window panes when ever possible.


Always place the frame so all of it is visible through the window – disregard the 1050mm from bottom if necessary


In the case of a landlord requiring window manifestation markings the following principles should be used.
Standard Ø50mm matt foil dots, supplied by store front vendor. 200mm a part.
If allowed the A0 Frames create a break in the dots, to avoid covering any message.


Picture below as reference in material Macal 798-02


If 2 levels of dots are required, please follow the below guideline:


5.1 Additional elements


Flagpoles are a part of the total outdoor concept for a JYSK store and they are as well used to draw attention to the store from a long distance.

The most common use of flagpoles is by placing 3-5 flagpoles
together, forming a triangular shape.
The height of the flagpoles must be min. height 10m
- or according to local rules




The pylon is used to draw attention to the store from a long distance.

The pylon is normally produced in 2 sizes:

Small:    1000 x 2500 mm
Large:    2000 x 5500 mm

They are made in aluminium or polycarbonate mounted in a concrete base. LED lighting is used if the pylon is produced with light.

Common pylons

When establishing signage on common pylons, the signage should fit the proportions of the space on the pylon – Follow the rules described on page 13 regarding logo dimensions. 



5.2 Additional signage

The JYSK logo is to be used on the following signs in connection to the store:
• Goods delivery / Collection point – standard size 500x1300mm
• This sign must not be dominating on the building


The logo is NOT TO BE USED on any other elements like:
•    Staff room signs
•    Toilet signs
•    Office signs



Whenever we use signs for navigation you should always place the JYSK logo with outline below the communication.


6. Store front proposals

Store front proposals must as a minimum include the following:

•     Photos of the entire store front (all building sides) where store front elements are added.
•     Overview of the individual elements with measurements and material description.
•     Photos of other stores nearby.

For new constructions where it isn’t possible to take photos realistic drawings must be provided.

In general the store front should be updated for all store activities. Light boxes can be kept if the conditions is acceptable but old payoff, store front band and window decoration must as a minimum be updated/removed.

The Store Concept Manager MUST send a store front proposal to Retail Development for ALL store activities.

Any questions regarding this manual, please contact Retail Development.

7. Resources

All relevant store front material is availble on

This site is for store front suppliers and has limited content.
For example specific campaign graphics and strategy related
materials are omitted on this site.
- Logo info and files, store front photos etc. are available.


8. Appendix

8.1 Store front examples

Examples of store fronts will be added continuously.






Angled building with portal





8.2 Use of payoff on store front

Applies only for JFR, JIT, JES/JPT, JUK and new countries.

We want to have the opportunity to communicate to our customers who we are, what we are selling and where we are from. Besides the JYSK logo we want to use an additional sign with our payoff “Scandinavian Sleeping & Living”

•    The background must follow our JYSK grey color and letters must be white and illuminated.
•    The respect distance must be 5% of the total length of the sign.
•    The sign must always be divided from our JYSK logo.


Use of payoff on store front band

When the payoff is used in a store front band, it must be used next to the JYSK logo as shown below – and must follow the below criteria's:
•  The size of the payoff should be minimum 50% and maximum 70% of the letters in the logo – based on the height of the ”S” in the payoff.
•  A space equivalent to the width of the ”K” in JYSK must as a minimum be clear before and after the payoff.
•  Must be centered vertically (according to the ”S”) and horizontally.
•  When more that one JYSK logo is present the payoff is to be centered between the JYSK logos. 



8.3 Other buildings

For other buildings than stores we have the following rules for applying our logo to the facades. 

Only the JYSK logo

Primary use 
Whenever only the JYSK logo needs to be present please refer to the same rules as to normal store fronts in this guideline. 


Secondary use 
In some cases the JYSK logo is not an option due to local legislation or requirements from the building owners. In these cases the preferred option is to remove the blue background in the logo, so that only the goose, “JYSK” and the outline remains in backlit white LED. If this is also not an option the remaining options must be approved by JYSK Marketing Director.


JYSK logo together with an additional name or element 

Primary use
Whenever JYSK is presented in combination with another name, area or entity on a building it must be the primary JYSK logo (backlit LED) combined with black letters on light background or white letters on darker backgrounds, that are also backlit, for the subsequent word. The subsequent word after the JYSK logo must follow the rules described below:


Secondary use 
If the JYSK primary logo is not an option the preferred option is the JYSK logo without the blue box in backlit white LED. If this is also not an option the remaining options must be approved by JYSK Marketing Director.


Secondary signage

For other signs in connection to other types of buildings the same rules apply as to the stores. However when JYSK logo is written together with an additional name or element the primary choice is the primary JYSK logo followed by the subsequent word in black letters on light background or white letters on darker backgrounds. If this is also not an option the remaining options must be approved by JYSK Marketing Director.


Our prefered solution is to have the subsequent word in black letters – But on darker backgrounds the best solution can be white letters.

In cases where the background size is predetermined the size of the JYSK logo and subsequent word is defined by either the horizontal or vertical margin which is defined by the letter hight in the JYSK logo. 


JYSK Arena




JYSK is an international chain of stores with Scandinavian roots that sells everything for the home.

The first store opened in Denmark in 1979. 

 Read more

JYSK Blue Line

JYSK BLUE LINE is created in order to secure JYSK as a strong and international brand.

When following these brand guidelines, it differentiates us from competitors, increases customers’ recognition and reinforces our identity.


Sødalsparken 18, DK-8220 Brabrand, Denmark
Tlf.: +45 89 39 75 00
Fax: +45 89 39 75 01

For enquiries please contact Marketing department