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Last edited: 28/03/2025

This video guide is setting the direction on how to handle production and use of videos in JYSK.

In general we can split videos into two major groups:

Internal videos

  • Only to be used for JYSK employees
  • Can be in meetings, JYSKnet, Facebook etc.

External videos

  • To be used for customers (and JYSK employees)
  • Can be on websites, Facebook, Youtube etc.


Materials for creating your own videos on a mobile phone

You can create great video materials on a mobile phone with a few simple additions to your video footage. We are working on a guideline but until this is finished please find the materials you need below. 

1. Use the official JYSK music and import it into your mobile video editor, you can download it here: 

2. Add the JYSK logo to the beginning and ending of you video, you can download a file below. All you need to do is import it into your mobile video editor. 

Tips for creating video material can be seen in the video below. 

    Differences between internal and external

    There will be fewer rules and guidelines to be followed for internal videos than for external videos.

    External videos are affecting the customers’ perception and must therefore be produced and handled in correlation with other marketing material. From the JYSK Marketing Strategy:

    “…JYSK must have a strong, consistent identity that is easy to recognize...”.

    That’s why many external videos will be produced and/or sourced at Nordic level (where there will be a lot of opportunities to bring in ideas for videos).

    Why use videos?

    In general videos can help communicate a specific message much more powerfully than written words or printed pictures.
    On top of this video have a strong advantage in the digital environment.

    The benefits from using videos online:

    • Users will stay on the website longer and videos also have a great impact on the SEO performance to attract new customers
    • Videos will increase conversion rates, because customers are more likely to purchase a product if they can watch a video explaining it beforehand
    • Users consider companies that produce video content to be more trustworthy
    • In aftersales many customers like to have a video to guide them in assembling / using the product in the right way

    This is why we in JYSK in general would like to use video if it can be done in a cost-efficient way.

    Cost control

    In comparison to other media like written documents, power point etc. videos can be much more expensive to produce.

    That’s one of the reasons why this document sets the frame for how videos can and should be produced.

    How to produce internal videos
    • Most internal videos can be produced on a local level
    • Nordic marketing can be helpful by selecting suppliers



    • Responsible for storyboard (if any) = local
    • JYSK corporate identity should always be followed. See Corporate Identity.
    • It is preferred to use the JYSK music
      • If other music is selected always secure you have the rights for the music (geographically, time, media)
    • JYSK has made a tips and tricks (video toolbox) for making local videos



    • Some internal videos need a Nordic approval - in cases where the content in some way has a connection to JYSK branding and/or position (which videos can be found in table 1 below).
      • For Nordic approval contact: Brand Manager, Marc Fruergaard (
      • For this type of videos it is important that you contact Nordic BEFORE you begin production to ensure alignment
    How to produce external videos

    JYSK suppliers

    • JYSK suppliers should deliver videos for assembling instructions or specific video related to products (functionality).  It will be part of the tender document and ongoing dialogue/negotiations with suppliers.

    Please see appendix 1 for process description.

    Videos produced at Nordic level

    • Nordic marketing will be responsible for the production and involving relevant stakeholders
    • Nordic marketing will be responsible for developing the storyboards in cooperation with stakeholders.
    • Nordic will secure regular possibilities to bring in ideas for new videos
    • In April each year Nordic marketing will run a process making an overview of the estimated video production for the coming year.
    • Each function director will be visited to hear their wishes for video material, which will then be discussed with Nordic Marketing.
      • This is of course only relevant for videos which are produced at Nordic level (see table 1)
      • The premises is the table below for each function – meaning each function is to report how many of each videos they expect to produce
    • Nordic marketing will drive this process.
    • After this Nordic Marketing makes a final suggestion and budget which are presented at the yearly budget meetings in JYSK Nordic.

    If questions or comments contact Brand Manager, Marc Fruergaard (

    Local language

    If a video is created for wide distribution it can be beneficial to try to make it without speak or text thereby it’s not needed to create local versions. However in many cases text or speak is needed for conveying the message.

    There are different ways of getting the content (speak) converted into local language:

    • The speak are made in local language
    • Using a voice over
    • Making subtitles

    In general it is very expensive to translate a common video into local language. At the same time an English video in some cases can underline the fact that JYSK is an international brand. This is why a lot of the “branding” videos are only made in English.

    How long should a video be?

    In general we should always take care that a video is not too long. Depending on the theme and content we recommend that a video is kept under 120 sec. in order to keep the audience’s attention. Assembling video’s can be longer. For some educational videos there can be an exception.

    The cost of a video

    In the table in the below category there is an estimate on the costs of producing a video. It is only estimates. It is obvious that producing more videos on the same set will reduce the costs. Live takes are more expensive that using existing material etc. When making the yearly overview Nordic Marketing will give feedback and input during the process.

    It will always be an advantage if the videos can be produced in larger pools (e.g. combined with photo shooting). Nordic Marketing will be responsible to look into these opportunities.

    How different videos should be handled in JYSK

    The table below show the different types of video used in JYSK and how they should be handled. There can be different cases. But the logic in the table should always be handled.



    In Nordic productions stakeholders will be involved according to the type of video. E.g. for JYSK concept videos there will be made a process collection input from the countries when the number of videos are decided.

    If any questions please contact: Brand Manager, Marc Fruergaard (




    JYSK is an international chain of stores with Scandinavian roots that sells everything for the home.

    The first store opened in Denmark in 1979. 

     Read more

    JYSK Blue Line

    JYSK BLUE LINE is created in order to secure JYSK as a strong and international brand.

    When following these brand guidelines, it differentiates us from competitors, increases customers’ recognition and reinforces our identity.


    Sødalsparken 18, DK-8220 Brabrand, Denmark
    Tlf.: +45 89 39 75 00
    Fax: +45 89 39 75 01

    For enquiries please contact Marketing department

    © JYSK BLUE LINE 2024