Photos for store front
Last edited: 28/03/2025
This section includes which photos are allowed to be used on store fronts for decoration.
The photos are divided into three areas, and are all given a photo ID which you can see above each photo. The photo ID is used to identify the photo you want the supplier to download for print. the actual photo file is below the photos. Please use the ID as the reference for which photo to download.
All photos are uploaded on this page. All photos are in original file size, ready for print.
The photos are divided into these areas: Sleeping , Living and Mood with Models
Mood with models should mainly be used for areas where there is not a clear article focus. E.g. near the cash desk,.
In general we don't want logos on the mood photos we use on Store fronts – since it should be very obvious to which store the photos belong.
However, if it’s due to the placement of the photo isn’t clear for the customers where the photo belong a logo should be placed in the bottom right corner according to the illustrations below.
Please contact Store Marketing department if any questions to the above.
Mood photos - for use on store fronts
Mood with models
Use these photos with care to ensure that they are not used too frequently in each store. We want diversity in our photos - therefore try to create an appropriate mix of all of the photos.