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Stores and Buildings

Stores & Buildings

Last edited: 28/03/2025

This category contains guidelines regarding marketing activities and appearance when it comes to JYSK stores and buildings. The JYSK stores are important brand elements, which is why we want to achieve consistent brand appearance across all stores and buildings.

The purpose of the Store Front Manual is to describe the general guidelines and intentions applied to JYSK storefronts across JYSK Nordic.

It does not and will never consider every situation. It is however meant to prepare staff and suppliers working with store fronts to deal with different situations and act as a guideline.


JYSK is an international chain of stores with Scandinavian roots that sells everything for the home.

The first store opened in Denmark in 1979. 

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JYSK Blue Line

JYSK BLUE LINE is created in order to secure JYSK as a strong and international brand.

When following these brand guidelines, it differentiates us from competitors, increases customers’ recognition and reinforces our identity.


Sødalsparken 18, DK-8220 Brabrand, Denmark
Tlf.: +45 89 39 75 00
Fax: +45 89 39 75 01

For enquiries please contact Marketing department