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Assortment list for duvet and pillow signs

Last edited: 03/07/2024

Text Tool/materials

1. Open Text Tool/Materials

2. Download list of all articles from all templates related to duvet and pillows by filling fields like so:


Generate lists per quality rating, i.e. 1 list with all Basic, 1 with all Plus and 1 with all Gold articles.

3. Select all and download to excel:


4. Open excel file:


You see many columns. Delete columns so you only have the following ones left:

Article number/Description/Template


Add 1 extra column manually with quality rating Basic/Plus/Gold:


5. After you have downloaded and edited all 3 files (B/P/G), gather all in one file. This is your assortment list.

NB. Do consult with SAC/SAM to find out if your country has any articles that are st.42 now but will become 11 at the end of summer. Those will have to be added to assortment list.

Pillows with chambers

To be able to show features of these on the signs we have to use a specific template for these in IDG. (You will find that they have separate columns in excel template.) This is how you find/filter for pillows with chambers in Text Tool

You choose natural and synthetic pillows in Template:


Under Template Item you choose Pillow construction:


That will open a new roll-down called List item where you have to choose 2+3+4 chambers:


Country code and status codes you choose the same way as above.




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