JDK Great Place to Work
Last edited: 17/02/2025

To save the files:
- with your phone: tap the image, hold it pressed for a second and choose "save"
- on your computer: right-click and click "save image as"
Banner til personlig profil
- Meta
Banner til personlig profil
- Teams background
- Email Signatur
Please don't add the email signature graphic just in the size as it comes to your signature, but downsize it by clicking the image, then click and hold the bottom right corner and drag the image smaller, so it's not overpowering the email content itself.
Tilføj ikke e-mail-signaturgrafikken i den størrelse, den kommer i, men formindsk den ved at klikke på billedet og derefter klikke og holde nede i nederste højre hjørne og trække billedet mindre, så det ikke overdøver selve e-mail-indholdet.
- Newsletter
600x500 px
600x300 px
Personal profile banner
- Meta
Personal profile banner
- Teams background
- Email signature
Please don't add the email signature graphic just in the size as it comes to your signature, but downsize it by clicking the image, then click and hold the bottom right corner and drag the image smaller, so it's not overpowering the email content itself.
- Newsletter
600x500 px
600x300 px